If your pet has been showing signs of a potential tumor you should bring them in for examination and diagnosis right away. Our Nashville veterinary surgeons discuss tumor removal surgery in pets and what to expect during and after the procedure.
What Are Tumors in Pets?
When a tumor occurs it is caused by an abnormal growth of cells that create the subsequent lump that you may see.
While there is a chance that these growths or tumors may be benign or harmless, there is still a chance that they could be malignant and potentially life-threatening. Because of this wide range and the risk involved, it is recommended to have your pet examined as soon as possible if you notice any lump or abnormality.
Surgery in Pets For Tumor Removal
When our veterinary surgeons in Nashville are considering a potential tumor they will most likely begin by taking a cell sample from the growth and sending it for analysis.
If it is determined that your pet is suffering from an aggressive form of cancer then the vet will utilize various tools and exams such as checking the lymph nodes and performing X-rays or other scans to help stage the cancer to give a better idea of what steps to take for treatment.
Once surgery has been determined as the best course of action, the vet will perform pre-surgery blood work as well as administer anesthesia to help relieve any potential pain and keep your petstill.
The veterinarian will sterilize and prep the treatment area, make an incision to remove the tumor then suture the wound once the procedure is complete.
Your vet surgeon may send the tumor off to a lab in the Nashville area to confirm the type of cancer and that proper treatment measures were taken.
What Affects The Success of Tumor Removal Surgery in Pets?
If your pet's tumor was small and benign then there is very little chance that the surgery would not fully cure them although your veterinary surgeon may still like to have an analysis completed to be safe.
For larger tumors, there is less of a chance that the tumor can be cured with surgery but the tumor removal surgery would provide additional time for your pet to live and be treated while also increasing their overall quality of life.
The success of tumor removal surgery depends on a variety of factors, such as:
- The type of tumor affecting your pet
- How early the tumor was caught
- The location of the tumor within your pets body
- Whether your dpet requires a large amount of additional tissue removal
- What technique the veterinary surgeon will utilize to remove the tumor
How Can You Help Your Dog or Cat Recover After Tumor Removal Surgery?
As with any veterinary surgical procedure, there will be a period of recovery after the procedure has been completed.
In the case of standard tumor removal surgery, this recovery period is an average of 10 - 14 days.
While your pet is recovering from veterinary surgery you will need to ensure that they refrain from licking the wound which can usually be accomplished with the help of an Elizabethan collar (E-collar). Other ways you can help ensure that your dog or cat heals well after the tumor removal surgery is by keeping their physical activity to a minimum and bringing them in for subsequent vet checkups and diagnostics.
Some Things to Consider Before Tumor Surgery
Choosing to put your petthrough surgery can be a tough decision, but as with anything you must weigh the pros and cons against each other. Usually, surgery will win as it can help prevent more serious concerns down the road.
Typically veterinary surgery can be moderately painful for your pet to experience and healing can be tricky unless your pet is in peak physical condition. If your pet is in poor health or the cancer has spread to other areas of the body, especially if it affects vital organs, then there is a chance that your dpet may not be healed even with surgery.
These are things that you will need to think about prior to agreeing to surgery. Our Nashville vet surgeons will be able to help you decide what the best course of action is for your pet's unique situation.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.